Today it seems everyone is supposed to graduate high school, get in to a good college, get a better job after graduation then get married. Followed closely by, but not limited to, popping out a few kids and then settling in to a comfortable routine of soccer games, diaper changes and preparing and saving for our retirements and funerals.
And we are expected to do all of this before the age of 30. Personally speaking, I don’t want to be 30 with two kids and never having done anything besides follow the herd my whole life.
We should be expected to change the world for the better not just become another part of it. We should fill it with real-life magic not just fill it with more cattle for the herd.
I don’t think we should give up on childhood dreams so quickly to become adults. The world should be filled with more ballerinas, firefighters and knights on white horses. And a whole lot less of politicians, Justin Biebers and Westboro Baptist Church members.
Maybe, just maybe, if this were true the world would be a better place to live. Perhaps if those people, as budding adults, had kept their childhood dreams of space and ballets alive instead of greed, hate and stupidity that is now their lives, the world would be better.
Yes, I know dreams change all the time but when did dreams become so superficial, mean and hateful?
As adults I think we need to get back to childhood occasionally with its innocence and simplicity. It might help relieve some of the crazy of this world. If we are to do as expected, we should at least be able to do it without turning into awful people along the way.
I am all for growing up and becoming a functioning adult but at the same time I don’t want to see all the beautiful magic leave from the world either.
So let’s take back the dream if only for a day and don’t forget about the dream you had that made growing up so cool in the first place.